Talent is a naturally recurring pattern of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied. Examples of talent include:
Expertly organizing projects
Easily influencing others
Effectively solving complex problems
Consistently having a positive outlook on life
Constantly pushing hard to get a lot done
Effortlessly and instinctively starting conversations
Talents help us understand who we are:
They describe us
They influence our choices
They direct our actions
They explain why we are better at some things than others
They help us filter our world
Five Clues to Talents
Yearning - To what kinds of activities are you naturally drawn?
Rapid Learning- What kinds of activities to you seem to pick up quickly?
Flow - In what activities did you automatically know the steps to be taken?
Glimpses of Excellence - What sorts of activities do you naturally do well?
Satisfaction - What kinds of activities give you energy and a sense of passion?
Strengths Assessment Tool
VIA Character Strengths
Gallup CliftonStrengths
Character Strengths
Source: VIA Character Strengths
Source: Gallup CliftonStrengths
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